Our concept is UNIQUE. Our properties for sale UNIQUES. Our vision of UNIQUE real estate.
We present, for sale on this site, places of life that inspire us.Whether houses, lofts, apartments, artists' studios... they all have this little something that makes them unique! Property apart, different, beautiful, elegant, original that we have the pleasure of selecting every day for you.
Our business model is based on :
- internet optimization for SEO of our properties. Today, 100% of a sale starts on the internet. We take the greatest care to refer to our ads : we have the best agreements with the largest real estate sites in the profession and our website is referenced optimally.
- the enhancement of the goods we take for sale via the quality of our presentation texts and our photos (All in HD). We do not seek to take orders but to sell the goods that our customers entrust us with.
- the exclusive relationship we have with our sellers and acquirers customers based on transparency, congruence and respect.
Do you like the concept ? Would you like to work with us ?
To obtain the trademark license LIEUX UNIQUES, thank you for contacting us at : info [at] arttimgroup.com
We will be pleased to present to you our vision of our trademark license LIEUX UNIQUES : a website, a transaction and evaluation software of the highest performance, appointments mandates, freelancing, multicasting in the specialized press and social networks... Everything is done to make your life easier and allow you to be quickly operational after an effective training, of course. But more than that : what we prefer above all is the relational quality towards our customers, sellers and acquirers, but also towards our internal customers who are our independent negotiators.
In short, a business S.M.A.R.T. : S as Service, M as Management, A as Assertiveness, R as Respect and T as Work.