That's why we love Lyon and Lyon's area
The major asset of Lyon is its dynamism. Second city of France the most structured in terms of economic competitiveness after Paris, large companies, all sectors combined, are located there such as Seb, Renault Trucks, BioMérieux, Euronews, Lyonbiopole, GL events...
Culture and history are not left in this city : Gallo-Roman remains, splendor of the Renaissance, famous traboules, courses of the neighborhoods of Old Lyon, the Peninsula and the Croix-Rousse... Gastronomy and textiles occupy a prominent place in the Lyon culture.
There is an art of living in Lyon and the city attracts more and more entrepreneurs, especially those looking for a quality of life. Lyon also excels for its digital reach. The leading auditing, finance and consulting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers, has made it the most attractive city in France.